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DRO Fly Fishing Blog

Wade Safely, And Carry Some Sort of Stick

Wade Safely, And Carry Some Sort of Stick
April 20, 2020

Wading safety is often overlooked until it is too late.

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A Friend Of The Devil Is a Friend of Mine

A Friend Of The Devil Is a Friend of Mine
April 11, 2020

This no hackle, high floating Caddis will make a Brook Trout sell its soul for a swipe at it.

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Give the Gift of Flies

Give the Gift of Flies
April 10, 2020

Know someone who can't get out and about right now? Make them a gift to use when it all blows over.

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Lieutenant Cahill

Lieutenant Cahill
April 1, 2020

When the Light Cahills start to hatch, call in the Lieutenant to get the job done.

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Partridge and Saffron

Partridge and Saffron
March 27, 2020

Warm days make it seem like late Spring isn't that far away. This Yellow Sally Soft Hackle is sure to bring a little spice to your May and June.

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Warm Water Hollow Fly

Warm Water Hollow Fly
March 25, 2020

This hollow style fly swims like a fish, and is easy enough to tie that you can even drink like a fish, and still manage to crank a few out.

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Lose Less Flies!

Lose Less Flies!
March 22, 2020

Snagging on the bottom, and losing everything, is never fun. These bottom bouncer rigs won't totally stop the fly loss, but they'll help you keep in the strike zone longer, with less hassle.

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Squirdle Jig

Squirdle Jig
March 18, 2020

The Zirdle Bug is a popular fly in the bins at the shop. This beaded jig version is tied with Squirrel for a slimmer profile that is perfect for area streams.

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Let's Go Fishing!

Our area has hundreds of miles of streams and rivers to explore, giving DRO's guides a large canvas on which to create your fishing adventure. Whether you are looking for a two-hour introduction to fly fishing for trout or a full-day float trip in the hunt for Musky, we've got the perfect guided fishing experience for you.

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Visit Our Store!

Located in Pisgah Forest, N.C., with the legendary Davidson River right out our back door, DRO carries a full line of fly fishing gear and apparel, as well as a wide range of fly tying materials and tools. Advice is always free, and we love pointing anglers in the right direction.

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Argentina Trout Fishing

Explore Legendary Patagonia

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Bahamas Bonefishing

Enjoy the Best in Saltwater Fly Fishing

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Canadian Trophy Northern Pike

Fishing for Trophy Northern Pike in Canada

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Davidson River Outfitters

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