FLY TYING WITH CRAZY UNCLE JEB - Simple Extended Body Streamers - 1/18/24

Swing em or strip em, hard to beat em
An awesome Small Stream Dry or a key player in a dry dropper setup!
I often hear people say that they do not like to nymph fish, that they prefer to dry fly fish. I agree that it is AWESOME to catch a lot of fish on dries, however 85% or more of a trout’s diet is what it finds under the surface of the water to eat.
You’ve arrived at your favorite fishing spot, but find yourself wondering what to put on the end of the line. With more than a few variables to consider, our latest blog helps you determine the best bait for the moment. (Plus, when all else fails, we share a tried-and-true back-up plan.)
This no hackle, high floating Caddis will make a Brook Trout sell its soul for a swipe at it.
When the Light Cahills start to hatch, call in the Lieutenant to get the job done.
DRO offers instructional programs in a variety of fly fishing disciplines. Our class options cover everything from casting and fishing techniques to fly tying and custom rod-building.
From floating the legendary trout streams of Montana to high adventure trips chasing Golden Dorado in Argentina, DRO has a fly fishing adventure for every angling appetite.
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