Five Tips For Fall Fishing with Kevin Howell

October 28, 2022
Five Tips For Fall Fishing with Kevin Howell

Five Tips For Fall Fishing

Fall is a magical time on the river, the leaves are in full color, there is a bit of a nip in the
air and the fish seem to have a sense of urgency in their feeding. Here are five tips to
help you make the most out of your fall trip to the river.
1. Flashy or vibrant-colored dry flies often work well this time of year examples are
Orange Stimulators, Red or Orange Humpies, and Royal Wulffs.
2. Fall is most definitely streamer time, it is a known fact that trout will eat each
other and other baitfish. All of the bait in the river is full grown so this is
the time of the year to break out the large streamers and fish for ole Leroy Brown,
the badest trout in the river.
3. Take care of your toes, and don’t forget that the water is cooler know while it may be
short sleeve weather outside the water temps are probably in the mid
40’s and it does not take long for your toes to get cold. I found that a nice
pair of fleece socks work great to keep your toes warm.
4. If leaves are choking the stream on top then fish a single streamer below the
surface, or a single nymph below the surface to avoid the pile of leaves on the
5. Remember the windier the day the more leaves, fishing later in the day once the
winds subside or on calm days will save a lot of frustration.


Good Fishing,


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