Patrick Williams

Patrick Williams

Patrick was born and raised in North Carolina, but has since lived and fished extensively in the northeast and southwest before returning to his home state in 2013. His love of fly fishing has taken him to all corners of the US and abroad to Asia, Central America, and South America to chase various types of fresh and saltwater species willing to eat his fly. Above all, Patrick relishes the opportunity to take clients out on the bountiful freestone streams and spring creeks of the Brevard area, help them become better fisherman, and just have a good time outdoors.

Patrick has been actively involved in the fly fishing community as a guide, shop employee, photographer, and writer since 2007. He has guided in both North Carolina and Pennsylvania, and his work has been featured in The Flyfish JournalSouthern Culture on the Fly, and Eastern Fly Fishing. Patrick also displays and sells his fine art photography around Asheville, and through his website ( During the months of September – May, you can find Patrick teaching math and science to high school students, while during the summer he continues his passion for teaching on the water with clients, and in the shop with customers.

Let's Go Fishing!

Our area has hundreds of miles of streams and rivers to explore, giving DRO's guides a large canvas on which to create your fishing adventure. Whether you are looking for a two-hour introduction to fly fishing for trout or a full-day float trip in the hunt for Musky, we've got the perfect guided fishing experience for you.

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Visit Our Store!

Located in Pisgah Forest, N.C., with the legendary Davidson River right out our back door, DRO carries a full line of fly fishing gear and apparel, as well as a wide range of fly tying materials and tools. Advice is always free, and we love pointing anglers in the right direction.

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Argentina Trout Fishing

Explore Legendary Patagonia

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Bahamas Bonefishing

Enjoy the Best in Saltwater Fly Fishing

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Canadian Trophy Northern Pike

Fishing for Trophy Northern Pike in Canada

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